Source code for oxasl.struc

OXASL - Structural data module

Copyright (c) 2008-2020 Univerisity of Oxford
import os
import glob

import numpy as np

import fsl.wrappers as fsl
from import Image
from fsl.utils.path import PathError

from oxasl.options import OptionCategory, OptionGroup
from oxasl.reporting import LightboxImage

[docs]class Options(OptionCategory): """ OptionGroup which contains options for describing a structural image """ def __init__(self): OptionCategory.__init__(self, "struc")
[docs] def groups(self, parser): group = OptionGroup(parser, "Structural data") group.add_option("--struc", "-s", help="Structural image", type="image", default=None) group.add_option("--struc-brain", "--sbet", "--struc-bet", "--sbrain", type="image", help="Structural image (brain extracted)", default=None) group.add_option("--struc2asl", help="Structural->ASL transformation matrix", type="matrix", default=None) group.add_option("--asl2struc", help="ASL->Structural transformation matrix", type="matrix", default=None) group.add_option("--wm-seg", help="White matter segmentation of structural image in structural space", type="image", default=None) group.add_option("--gm-seg", help="Grey matter segmentation of structural image in structural space", type="image", default=None) group.add_option("--csf-seg", help="CSF segmentation of structural image in structural space", type="image", default=None) group.add_option("--fslanat", help="FSL_ANAT output directory for structural information", default=None) group.add_option("--fastsrc", help="Images from a FAST segmentation - if not set FAST will be run on structural image") group.add_option("--struc2std", help="Structural to MNI152 linear registration (.mat)", type="matrix") group.add_option("--struc2std-warp", help="Structural to MNI152 non-linear registration (warp)", type="image") return [group, ]
[docs]def run(wsp): """ Do initialization on supplied structural data - copy relevant image and do brain extraction FIXME copy across all supplied structural data """ wsp.log.write("\nInitialising structural data\n") wsp.sub("structural") if wsp.fslanat: wsp.log.write(" - Using FSL_ANAT output directory for structural data: %s\n" % wsp.fslanat) biascorr = os.path.join(wsp.fslanat, "T1_biascorr") biascorr_brain = os.path.join(wsp.fslanat, "T1_biascorr_brain") if glob.glob(biascorr + ".*") and glob.glob(biascorr_brain + ".*"): wsp.log.write(" - Using bias-corrected structural images\n") wsp.structural.struc = Image(biascorr) wsp.structural.brain = Image(biascorr_brain) else: wsp.log.write(" - Using non bias-corrected structural images\n") wsp.structural.struc = Image(os.path.join(wsp.fslanat, "T1")) wsp.structural.brain = Image(os.path.join(wsp.fslanat, "T1_brain")) elif wsp.struc: wsp.log.write(" - Using structural image provided by user: %s\n" % wsp.structural.struc = wsp.struc wsp.structural.brain = wsp.struc_brain #elif wsp.structural.struc_lores # wsp.log.write("Low-resolution tructural image: %s\n" % else: wsp.log.write(" - No structural data supplied - output will be ASL space only\n") if wsp.structural.struc is not None and wsp.structural.brain is None: wsp.log.write(" - Brain-extracting structural image\n") bet_result =, output=fsl.LOAD, seg=True, mask=True, log=wsp.fsllog) wsp.structural.brain = bet_result["output"] #wsp.structural.brain_mask = bet_result["output_mask"] if wsp.structural.brain is not None and wsp.structural.brain_mask is None: # FIXME - for now get the mask by binarising the brain image for compatibility with oxford_asl # although this gives slightly different results compared to using the mask returned by BET wsp.structural.brain_mask = Image(( != 0).astype(np.int32), header=wsp.structural.struc.header) if wsp.structural.struc is not None: segment(wsp)
[docs]def segment(wsp): """ Segment the structural image """ # Can override segmentation from user-specified maps wsp.structural.wm_seg = wsp.wm_seg wsp.structural.gm_seg = wsp.gm_seg wsp.structural.csf_seg = wsp.csf_seg if None in (wsp.structural.wm_seg, wsp.structural.gm_seg, wsp.structural.csf_seg): page ="seg") page.heading("Segmentation of structural image") wsp.log.write("\nGetting structural segmentation\n") if wsp.fslanat: wsp.log.write(" - Using FSL_ANAT output from %s\n" % wsp.fslanat) page.text("Segmentation taken from FSL_ANAT output at ``%s``" % wsp.fslanat) wsp.structural.csf_pv = Image(os.path.join(wsp.fslanat, "T1_fast_pve_0")) wsp.structural.gm_pv = Image(os.path.join(wsp.fslanat, "T1_fast_pve_1")) wsp.structural.wm_pv = Image(os.path.join(wsp.fslanat, "T1_fast_pve_2")) try: wsp.structural.bias = Image(os.path.join(wsp.fslanat, "T1_fast_bias")) wsp.log.write(" - Bias field extracted sucessfully\n") except PathError: wsp.log.write(" - No bias field found") elif wsp.fastsrc: wsp.log.write(" - Using FAST output from %s\n" % wsp.fastsrc) page.text("Segmentation taken from FAST output at ``%s``" % wsp.fastsrc) wsp.structural.csf_pv = Image("%s_pve_0" % wsp.fastsrc) wsp.structural.gm_pv = Image("%s_pve_1" % wsp.fastsrc) wsp.structural.wm_pv = Image("%s_pve_2" % wsp.fastsrc) elif wsp.structural.struc: wsp.log.write(" - Running FAST\n") page.text("FAST run to segment structural image") fast_result =, out=fsl.LOAD, log=wsp.fsllog) wsp.structural.csf_pv = fast_result["out_pve_0"] wsp.structural.gm_pv = fast_result["out_pve_1"] wsp.structural.wm_pv = fast_result["out_pve_2"] #wsp.bias_struc = fast_result["fast_bias"] else: raise ValueError("No structural data provided - cannot segment") if wsp.structural.csf_seg is None: wsp.structural.csf_seg = Image(( > 0.5).astype(np.int32), header=wsp.structural.struc.header) if wsp.structural.gm_seg is None: wsp.structural.gm_seg = Image(( > 0.5).astype(np.int32), header=wsp.structural.struc.header) if wsp.structural.wm_seg is None: wsp.structural.wm_seg = Image(( > 0.5).astype(np.int32), header=wsp.structural.struc.header) page.heading("Segmentation image", level=1) page.text("CSF partial volume") page.image("csf_pv", LightboxImage(wsp.structural.csf_pv, bgimage=wsp.structural.brain)) page.text("Grey matter partial volume") page.image("gm_pv", LightboxImage(wsp.structural.gm_pv, bgimage=wsp.structural.brain)) page.text("White matter partial volume") page.image("wm_pv", LightboxImage(wsp.structural.wm_pv, bgimage=wsp.structural.brain)) else: # User-supplied segmentation - treat as PV as well # Note this is in ASL space whereas above it is in struc space? wsp.structural.csf_pv = wsp.structural.csf_seg wsp.structural.gm_pv = wsp.structural.gm_seg wsp.structural.wm_pv = wsp.structural.wm_seg